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How to determine a check's
eligibility for the program.
A check is Eligible if...
The amount is no more than $5,000 (or multiple checks not exceeding this limit). There are no minimum dollar restrictions.
was received in Genesee County, deposited in a bank in exchange for goods
or services and was presumed "good" at the time of acceptance.
"Statutory Certified Notice" was sent to check writer via U.S. Certified Mail, allowing 5 days
to make check good.
A photo I.D. number (driver’s license or state identification card) was recorded at the time of transaction.
A check is Ineligible if...
is post-dated.
parties knew there were insufficient funds at the time of transaction.
a two-party, stop payment, credit card, or payroll check.
identity of the check writer is unknown.
is no amount, date, or signature on the check.
The numeric and written amounts on check do not match.
Check(s) ineligible for the Genesee County Prosecuting Attorney Bad Check Restitution Program may be pursued through Small Claims Court or by a private collection agency.